Carers support
Do you look after someone? Support is here.
Crossroads Care Rotherham
- 01709 360272
- Dementia Enabling and Support Service
- End of life care
- Signposting to benefits support
- Activity groups
- And much more...
Age UK Rotherham
- 01709 835214
- If you need to know about benefits, housing, health and general welfare, we are here to help.
- Our Hospital Aftercare Service can help if you've recently been in hospital and need some help settling back at home.
- A helping hand with everyday tasks so you can stay independent for longer.
Rotherham Dementia Carer SupportMaking Space
- 01709 910889
- Dementia cafes with live music from Lost Cord and lots of activities and guest speakers.
- Emotional support.
- 1-1 Support.
Carers UK
- 020 7378 4999
- Financial issues (UK wide).
- Housing.
- Looking after yourself and those you care for.
Rotherham Sight and Sound
- 0114 2722757
- Telephone chat groups.
- Computer support.
- Postal activity packs.
- Family activity days and youth groups.
- Befriending.
Rotherham Adult Neurodiversity Support Service
- 01709 296262
- The Geek Retreat.
- Dinnington morning meet up.
- Support for newly diagnosed adults.
- Support for family and friends.
Voluntary Action RotherhamSocial Prescribing Service
- 01709 829821
- Helping adults with long-term health conditions and mental health issues improve their health and wellbeing by helping them to access community activities and services.
- Many things affect your health and well-being. From feeling isolated or lonely, to being stressed out by work, money and housing problems or sometimes the stress of managing different long-term conditions.
Rotherham Parent Carer Forum
- 01709 296262
- Money, benefits, childcare and employment.
- Youth groups for different ages.
- Counselling services for young people.
- Opportunities to meet other parents with similar experience of caring for a child with SEND.
Barnardo’s Rotherham Young Carer’s Service
- 01709 377157
- Support with Mental Health
- Financial support for Young Carers
- College or study related stress